Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Intercultural Trainer

Systemic Coach

Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Intercultural Trainer

Systemic Coach

Tag: Students

February 22, 2020 Review to “What is a Text? Explanation and Understanding” (Ricoeur, 1971)

The French Philosopher Paul Ricoeur examines a few important issues in his thoughtful essay regarding our everyday use of the terms, speech, language, understanding, explanation, and interpretation. This essay brings a good understanding of a text in qualitative research. In most cases in textual analysis, there is the use of texts as data for description and interpretation. Most of the textual materials are written texts of oral speaking like interviews or observations. In understanding what has been said and observed, we use text to provide evidence of people’s thinking, acting or beliefs among others.

October 7, 2018 Playing Culture in Intercultural Trainings and the Role of Simulation Games

Games are not only an integral part of our everyday routine from the early days of our life, but they are also regarded as an effective teaching method in (higher) education. Previous research has shown that business or simulation games in the classroom support problem-based learning.

March 2, 2018 What to Do when you Can’t Answer a Student’s Question? An Essay about Being Productively Stupid

Human beings are not perfect, nor does every individual possess knowledge of all domains. The same is the case for teachers. Nearly every teacher has experienced it at some time or other: You receive a tricky or unexpected question from a student which you cannot instantly answer.